Student Visa
Rely on our staff to rapidly and safely obtain a Student Visa enabling to stay in Italy up to one year.
Can I get a long-term permit with Student Visa?
A visa is a document issued by the embassy, which makes it possible to enter the territory of Italy or other European countries belonging to the Schengen area.
Different types of visas are issued depending on the purpose of the foreign citizen’s stay in Italy. Each type of visa has different conditions and involves the preparation of different documents.
Our company can help in requesting documents for a type D visa for study, work and investment reasons by offering the following services:
- Assessment of requirements
- Help with the request
- Organization of documents for visa application
- Arranging a meeting at the local consulate or visa application center
About us
The options above offer a generic overview of some of the most common immigration options: our firm is expert in finding the most suitable immigration solution for every specific case; a free consultancy is offered to applicants who meet the preliminary requirements.
Our company manages Italian immigration thanks to an immigration lawyer and experts operating in 6 languages.
Y-Nos aims to provide a top service at a reasonable price to cover the cost of professional and experienced staff working in a long and difficult process; when we take a new client, we always take as a priority the benefit of the applicant. This is our philosophy and we are looking forward to assisting more and more people along the journey of their new life in Italy.
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See all the services related to Student Immigration
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