Italian Citizenship

Discover the requirements and the process to acquire Italian Citizenship thanks to the assistance of our immigration lawyer

What is the law regulating Italian Citizenship?

Obtaining the Italian Citizenship means enjoying full rights of any person holding Italian nationality, such as Italian passport (one of the best in the world), voting rights and unrestricted travel in the EU countries.

Besides birth by Italian parents, Italian Citizenship can be acquired after residing in Italy for long term or if the applicant, even if born in a foreign country, has proven Italian ancestors.

Citizenship by Italian ancestry (named also “Jure Sanguinis”) is the object of this article and is regulated by the Law of February 5th 1992, n.91.

Article 1 states that any individual born after 1948 by Italian citizens has the right to acquire Italian Citizenship; this right extends also to third, fourth and following generations who can prove a direct descendant of an Italian grandparent.

This law is particularly relevant to countries who were destination of massive emigration flow by Italians, such as USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and Latin America.

Who can request Italian Citizenship by descendancy?

In order to acquire Italian Citizenship by descendancy, two main requirements need to be satisfied:

– Evidence of a direct descendant holding Italian Citizenship, which is the necessary condition for the application

– The lack of interruptions in the transmission of the citizenship; this means that every generation descending in direct line from the first Italian emigrant until the applicant hold the Italian Citizenship without discontinuity

A thorough preliminary verification of the requirements is necessary to make sure that the application for Italian Citizenship goes through; our immigration experts can assist with the verification process and whereas not feasible, can find other solutions to effectively emigrate to Italy.

What is the most efficient option to apply for Italian Citizenship?

The application for Italian Citizenship by descendance can follow two processes:

– Administrative application: the application is submitted to the Italian Embassy, in case the applicant resides abroad. If the applicant resides in Italy, the application can be submitted to the City Council of the city of residence; in this case the permit of stay is not necessary to be registered as a resident.

– Judicial application: the legal request is submitted by a lawyer with power of attorney to the Court of Rome in case the application sent to the local Embassy cannot be processed in a reasonable timeframe. For example, applications submitted to the San Paolo Italian Embassy take up to 12 years to be processed, violating the rights of the applicant.

Upon preliminary consultancy, our immigration lawyer will verify the most effective process to apply for Italian Citizenship.

What documents are required to apply for Italian Citizenship?

A summary of the documents to submit in order to apply for Italian Citizenship by descendance is listed below:

  1. Full copy of the certificate of birth of the Italian ancestor, to be retrieved in the place of birth offices
  2. Certificates of birth of all the direct descendants of the Italian ancestor (including the applicant);
  3. Certificate of death of the Italian ancestor (this is important to prove the presence of the ancestor in the emigration country)
  4. Wedding certificate of the Italian ancestor
  5. Wedding certificates of all the direct descendants of the Italian ancestor (including the applicant)
  6. Evidence released by the country of emigration that the ancestor didn’t change the Italian nationality before the birth of the applicant
  7. Other certificates related to spouse, partner, children and family members of the applicant
  8. Italian tax number (Codice Fiscale)
  9. Italian permit of stay (only in case the applicant lives in Italy)
  10. Italian residence certificate (only in case the applicant lives in Italy)
  11. Other documents depending on the country of application

All the documents must be apostilled and translated by the Italian consulate


Since the documents and the process to obtain Italian Citizenship by descendance are complex, we strongly recommend support from a specialist

Our immigration lawyer is expert in managing citizenship requests, and in over 10 year our team has assisted tens of applicants to successfully receive Italian Citizenship.


What are the steps and the time frame to obtain Italian Citizenship?

The first step to obtain Italian Citizenship by descendance is an assessment of the requirements.

In case the requirements are matched, all documents must be retrieved and translated before submitting the application.

The timeframe for the request processing largely varies depending on the country and season, plus other factors depending exclusively on the government and law court efficiency.

By experience, an average time to obtain the Italian Citizenship by descendance from abroad takes approximately two-tree years and a half from the submission of the application.


How can our company assist to obtain Italian Citizenship faster?

Requesting Italian citizenship through Jure Sanguinis while living in Italy can sensibly increase the speed and the chance of success of the application. This process, allows individuals with Italian ancestry to claim citizenship in less than 1 year. However, to force this its required to follow an expedited route available only for the applicant who qualify.

Our immigration agency provides assistance for a faster application of Italian Citizenship with services provided locally by our staff and our immigration lawyer:

  • Accommodation research 
  • Request of documents & certificates to obtain Permit of Stay 
  • Support with Residence Permit
  • Assistance with application of Italian Citizenship 

Navigating the intricacies of Italian citizenship law can be challenging, so seeking guidance from legal professionals or specialized services experienced in Jure Sanguinis applications is highly recommended. Our company provides professional assistance in preparing the application, ensuring that it meets all necessary requirements dramatically increasing the chances of success.

We hope this article was helpful; in case you are thinking about applying for Italian Citizenship by descendance or simply wish to move to Italy, don’t hesitate to contact us.


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